Dolmetscherinnen und Sprachhelferinnen für Weltfrauenkonferenz gesucht!

Solidarität International (SI) e.V.

– Bundesvertretung-                                                                                                                  1.2.2016

Liebe Freundinnen und Freunde,

wie geplant wird die 2. Weltfrauenkonferenz
der Basisfrauen vom 13.-18. März 2016 in gesuchtKathmandu/Nepal stattfinden. Trotz der Erdbebenfolgen und der Blockadepolitik Indiens gegenüber Nepal und der damit sehr schwierigen äußeren Bedingungen sind die Frauen entschlossen, diese Konferenz zu einem Erfolg zu machen. Das ist Ausdruck einer überlegenen Moral und des international gewachsenen Frauenbewusstseins.

SI wird bei der WFK für die Sprachenarbeit verantwortlich sein. Das ist eine sehr verantwortungsvolle und schöne Aufgabe, wofür noch zahlreiche DolmetscherInnen vor allem mit Simultanerfahrung und HelferInnen gebraucht werden. Sprachen, die benötigt werden sind: Englisch, Arabisch, Französisch, Nepali, Russisch, Spanisch und Deutsch. Die Konferenzsprache ist Englisch. Die Generalversammlung wird simultan gedolmetscht. Aber auch für die Workshops, Veranstaltungen und für Gespräche werden Leute gesucht, die bei der Verständigung helfen. Zudem jemand, der bezogen auf die Sprachenarbeit Dateien verwalten kann und jemand, der allgemein die Sprachenarbeit unterstützt bei Kopierarbeiten, Versorgung der Sprachler, einfach „Mädchen (oder Junge) für alles“.

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News from the donation organizer: Many a little makes a mickle.

From Halle to Heilbronn via Hanover and Saarbrücken is a lot in motion.

Monika from Halle report, that they almost have the money for their building helper and that they will expect the rest donations next week at the meeting of the “Hallenseschen women gathering”. Besides they have made an one-hour advertisement for the world woman conference in the free “radio of Halle”.

Ilse from Hanover report among other things from a successful diner of sponsors with tasty dishes from Nepal, from an irtend visit with the woman secretary from ver.di and that five womans can fly to Nepal-great!

Jutta from Heilbronn has a very special tip: A lot of mans tend to waste and rest their coins in jars, because they make their purses too heavy. From an “Audi_workmate” they have received a big bottle of coins all in all it was 600 euro! Therefore: Ask mans for such jars, shells, boxes, it is worth it!

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Neues von der Spendenkoordinatorin: Kleinvieh macht auch Mist


Von Halle über Hannover bis Heilbronn und Saarbrücken ist vieles in Bewegung.

Monika aus Halle berichtet, dass sie das Geld für ihre Brigadistin schon fast zusammen haben und diese Woche am Runden Tisch des Hallenseschen Frauenrats weitere Spenden erwarten. Außerdem haben sie eine einstündige Werbesendung für die Weltfrauenkonferenz im Freien Radio Halle gemacht.

Ilse aus Hannover berichtete u.a. über ein erfolgreiches Sponsorenessen mit leckeren nepalesischen Gerichten, von einem geplanten Besuch bei der ver.di Frauensekretärin, und dass bisher schon 5 Frauen mit nach Nepal fliegen – toll!

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YPJ sends delegate to II. World Women’s Conference

The Women Protection Units (YPJ) 160127 YPJ Bild der Frau die zur WFK kommt

To the II. World Women Conference,

Dear friends,

Participating to this conference, in the name of all women fighters who are fighting ISIS terrorists under the banner of Women Protection Units (YPJ), we thank everyone who contributed to hold this conference and participated in the success of the conference, and we are confident that women’s voices will grow strongly in this place to eradicate the roots of terrorism. It really concerns us to attend the World Conference on Women which cares about women in general and, the militant women in particular, as it has a major role in raising the awareness and draw the attention of not only the women but also the whole world to the situations and the struggle of women, their influencing role in decision-making and policies around the world. This is what we are trying to be proved to the world as Women protection units where the woman is the source of renewable and potential energy so this energy must be enabled and activated to the whole world.

Here in Rojava, we are trying to do this in a practical way by mobilizing and organizing women among Women Protection Units. Since the beginning of the revolution in 2012 Women Protection Units have the right to take their own decisions and they are being organized and trained militarily and ideologically, where the Women Protection Units consist entirely only of women. And, the women are also fighting on the front lines as men and we’re not like other armies where women work only in office functions or help the wounded or even cooking for the soldiers. Among the Women Protection Units, the women are the key element and are a leading force, which has been fighting and thinking freely in defense of their people and homeland and in defense of their freedom and the freedom of all women in the world. This is the first step to find out the strong, creative and developing free women within us. And, we want to share our experience with women all over the world and we have the desire to take advantage of their experiences as well.

We have great hopes and expectations regarding this conference and we are confident of your ability in decision-making.

Revolutionary Greetings

The Women Protection Units (YPJ)

160127 YPJ Erklaerung zur WFK in Nepal – US


YPJ send delegate to II. World Women’s Conference

The Women Protection Units (YPJ) 160127 YPJ Bild der Frau die zur WFK kommt

To the II. World Women Conference,

Dear friends,

Participating to this conference, in the name of all women fighters who are fighting ISIS terrorists under the banner of Women Protection Units (YPJ), we thank everyone who contributed to hold this conference and participated in the success of the conference, and we are confident that women’s voices will grow strongly in this place to eradicate the roots of terrorism. It really concerns us to attend the World Conference on Women which cares about women in general and, the militant women in particular, as it has a major role in raising the awareness and draw the attention of not only the women but also the whole world to the situations and the struggle of women, their influencing role in decision-making and policies around the world. This is what we are trying to be proved to the world as Women protection units where the woman is the source of renewable and potential energy so this energy must be enabled and activated to the whole world.

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