„Letzter Aufruf“ zur Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016!

European Coordinators of the World Women’s Conference
Europakoordinatorinnen der Weltfrauenkonferenz
Coordinatrices de l’Europe pour la Conférence mondiale des femmes

Halinka Augustin, Monika Gaertner-EngelWeltfrauen in Europa!

Kommt zur 2. Weltfrauenkonferenz nach Kathmandu! Logo Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016

Heute erhaltet ihr den Aufruf der Europakoordinatorinnen zum Internationalen Frauentag am 8. März der gemeinsamer Kampf- und Aktionstag der Weltfrauen ist. (in drei Sprachen und zwei verschiedenen Druckversionen)

Wie ihr wisst, findet die 2. Weltfrauenkonferenz vom 13. bis 18.3. in Kathmandu/Nepal statt – trotz aller Probleme.

Heute noch einmal unser Aufruf („last call“) an euch:

Kommt aus möglichst vielen Ländern!

Wenn ihr finanzielle Probleme habt: entwickelt Aktivitäten und unterstützt euch gegenseitig, dass wenigstens eine Frau aus einem Land fahren kann!

Meldet euch an mit dem Formular auf der Startseite dieser Homepage über „Anmeldeformular für die Konferenz“ an und entnehmt hier alle wichtigen Informationen.

Schreibt bitte einen Länderbericht (maximal 5 Seiten), auch wenn ihr nicht teilnehmen könnt und schickt ihn bitte an gaertner.engel@t-online.de  und menu_cma@yahoo.com
Die Länderberichte werden auf einer CD publiziert – das gibt eine Reise zu den Basisfrauen der Welt!
Schreibt uns bei allen Problemen!

Wir freuen uns auf euch in Nepal!

Herzliche Grüße,
Halinka Augustin
Monika Gaertner-Engel

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Free Women’s Congress reports on the current war in Kurdistan

Re: Free Women’s Congress‘ KJA reports on the current war in the Kurdistan Region in Turkey

Date: Friday, 29 Jan 2016 logo kja

Dear friend,

We are writing to you as the Free Women’s Congress (KJA), the largest umbrella organization for the women in Kurdistan Region in Turkey. KJA brings together the women from political parties, local governments, civil society organisations, unions, media, academy, and local people’s assemblies and communes. Consisting of 501 women delegates, KJA represents women from diverse identity groups, ethnic, faith and cultural backgrounds.

We would like to inform you about the ferocious war launched by the Turkish State on the peoples of Kurdistan Region since the June 7 general elections in Turkey.

Please find attached the reports prepared by KJA about the assaults particularly on the women and children, the cemeteries and the historical sites, and the overall impact of the curfews and ’special security zones‘ on the peoples of the region:

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Free Women’s Congress reports on the current war in Kurdistan

Re: Free Women’s Congress‘ KJA reports on the current war in the Kurdistan Region in Turkey

Date: Friday, 29 Jan 2016 logo kja

Dear friend,

We are writing to you as the Free Women’s Congress (KJA), the largest umbrella organization for the women in Kurdistan Region in Turkey. KJA brings together the women from political parties, local governments, civil society organisations, unions, media, academy, and local people’s assemblies and communes. Consisting of 501 women delegates, KJA represents women from diverse identity groups, ethnic, faith and cultural backgrounds.

We would like to inform you about the ferocious war launched by the Turkish State on the peoples of Kurdistan Region since the June 7 general elections in Turkey.

Please find attached the reports prepared by KJA about the assaults particularly on the women and children, the cemeteries and the historical sites, and the overall impact of the curfews and ’special security zones‘ on the peoples of the region:

1 Report on the conflict process, political situation and women in Kurdistan
KJA – Report on the conflict process, political situation and women in Kurdistan

2 Lists of civilian deaths, arrests, curfews, and security zones)
KJA – Lists of civilian deaths, arrests, curfews, and security zones

2 ‚Nekuje‘ (Don’t Kill), Children killed by the Turkish security forces
KJA – Lists of civilian deaths, arrests, curfews, and security zones

3 Statement on destruction of our peoples graveyards
KJA – Statement on Destruction of our People’s Graveyards

You may also find below the YouTube link to the video prepared by KJA, about the children killed by the Turkish Security Forces in the recent clashes:


Kind regards,

Kongreya Jinên Azad, Komîsyon a Dîplomasî

Free Women’s Congress, Diplomacy Commission

Özgür Kadın Kongresi, Diplomasi Komisyonu




(webpage turkish/kurdish)


Email: kjadiplomacy@gmail.com



Englisch-Vokabular zur Vorbereitung der Weltfrauenkonferenz

Englisch-Vokabular zur Vorbereitung der Weltfrauenkonferenz in Nepal!Vokabeln lernen

Die GSA (GSA e.V., Gesellschaft zur Förderung wissenschaftlicher Studien zur Arbeiterbewegung) hat uns freundlicherweise eine Vokabelliste Deutsch-Englisch zur Verfügung gestellt zur Vorbereitung auf die Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016 in Nepal. Englisch wird dort Hauptkonferenzsprache sein und das ausgewählte Vokabular wurde 2011 speziell zusammengestellt für die Weltfrauenkonferenz 2011). Wir bedanken uns für diese Unterstützung und wünschen allen Frauen viel Spaß beim Vokabellernen!

Achtung: Am 04.02.2016 wurde eine leicht aktualisierte Version eingestellt, bitte diese benutzen.


Song Contest: For an Anthem of the Women and Girls of the World

Youth League REBELL

2 February 2016

Dear girls and women of the world, preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference,

We are young women and girls of the youth league REBELL in Germany who prepare an international song contest at the World Women’s Conference in joint responsibility with women from Africa.

The slogan is „Women of the world are climbing the highest mountains – for an anthem of the women and girls of the world“. Such an anthem should be found in this international song contest. We need participants from all over the world, who express in their song courage, fighting spirit and confidence.

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Song Contest: For an Anthem of the Women and Girls of the World

Youth League REBELL

2 February 2016

Dear girls and women of the world, preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference,

We are young women and girls of the youth league REBELL in Germany who prepare an international song contest at the World Women’s Conference in joint responsibility with women from Africa.

The slogan is „Women of the world are climbing the highest mountains – for an anthem of the women and girls of the world“. Such an anthem should be found in this international song contest. We need participants from all over the world, who express in their song courage, fighting spirit and confidence.

(mehr …)

Song Contest: For an Anthem of the Women and Girls of the World

Youth League REBELL

2 February 2016

Dear girls and women of the world, preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference,

We are young women and girls of the youth league REBELL in Germany who prepare an international song contest at the World Women’s Conference in joint responsibility with women from Africa.

The slogan is „Women of the world are climbing the highest mountains – for an anthem of the women and girls of the world“. Such an anthem should be found in this international song contest. We need participants from all over the world, who express in their song courage, fighting spirit and confidence.

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