Registro de Conferencia

    Registration form for the 3rd World Women's Conference
    in Tunis/Tunisia, 3. – 10. September 2022

    Your First Name (required)

    Your Family Name (required)

    Your City and Country (required)

    Your Continent (required)

    Your Email (required)

    Number of participants to register (required)

    I am a selected delegate from the following country

    I can translate into the following languages


    I want to organize and offer the following workshop:

    I can offer/submit the following cultural event/ability

    I want to organize an information booth on

    Other additional remarks/information

    • The participation fee will be paid at the beginning of the conference.
    • You are required to organize flight and accommodation by yourself. Please have a look on our webpage concerning information on convenient hostels and hotels as well as some information on necessary travelling documents and other useful information on Nepal (we will publish all necessary information as soon as possible).

    We are looking forward to meet you in Tunis in September 2022!

    Registro de Conferencia

      Registration form for the 3rd World Women's Conference
      in Tunis/Tunisia, 3. – 10. September 2022

      Your First Name (required)

      Your Family Name (required)

      Your City and Country (required)

      Your Continent (required)

      Your Email (required)

      Number of participants to register (required)

      I am a selected delegate from the following country

      I can translate into the following languages


      I want to organize and offer the following workshop:

      I can offer/submit the following cultural event/ability

      I want to organize an information booth on

      Other additional remarks/information

      • The participation fee will be paid at the beginning of the conference.
      • You are required to organize flight and accommodation by yourself. Please have a look on our webpage concerning information on convenient hostels and hotels as well as some information on necessary travelling documents and other useful information on Nepal (we will publish all necessary information as soon as possible).

      We are looking forward to meet you in Tunis in September 2022!

      Jede Menge neue Spendeninitiativen von Hamburg bis München, von Berlin bis Esslingen

      Spendenaktion 17.1




      Neues von der Spendenkoordinatorin

      In meinen Telefoninterviews mit Courage Gruppen stellte sich heraus, dass schon viele Spenden gesammelt wurden und jetzt in der Vorbereitung des Internationen Frauentags in fast allen Städten bei Demonstrationen, Aktionen, Bündnissen oder Ähnlichem geplant sind. In manchen Orten hat das Frauenfrühstück schon Tradition. Genauso wie die Teilnahme an One Billion Rising – Aktionen z.B. in Berlin. Hier ist fest eingeplant Spenden für die Weltfrauenkonferenz zu sammeln. Carola berichtete:

      (mehr …)

      To all the World Women in Europe: Your Cultural Contributions for Nepal!

      German-South African Friendship Society – Marikana

      1. January 2016

      To all the Worldwomen in Europe: Your Cultural Contributions for Nepal!

      Dear Women,

      Since the National Women Assembly in Kassel/Germany, we as German-South African Friendship Society – Marikana are responsible for the preparation and coordination of the European-African Cultural Night at the 2nd World Womens Conference in Nepal.

      Let’s create togehther an unforgettable evening of cultural fraternization with our friends from Africa!

      We want to ask you to propose your ideas and proposals for cultural contributions as soon as possible to bring all the diversity and power from different european countries to bear.

      You can mail to the following adress:

      Looking forward to your contributions!

      Cordial and militant greetings!



      For the Board of Marikana

      An alle Frauen in Europa

      Monika Gärtner-Engel, 18.1.16

      To all women in Europe

      Dear women!

      Liebe Frauen!
      Chères femmes!
      Queridas mujeres!

      Ich möchte euch einige wichtige Informationen zum Vorbereitungsprozess der 2. Weltfrauenkonferenz der Basisfrauen, vom 13. bis 18. März 2016 in Kathmandu, Nepal, geben.

      Derzeit gehen alle paar Tage Anfragen von Frauen und Frauenorganisationen aus neuen Ländern ein, die nach Informationen über die Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016 fragen. Es ist ein richtige Aufschwung! Trotzdem sollen alle auch selbst Delegierte von anderen Ländern mobilisieren.

      Bitte beachtet:

      Jede sollte sich über das Formular auf der Homepage www. anmelden! Hier könnt ihr eure Teilnahmen, Workshops, die ihr verantwortlich durchführen wollt und ob ihr als Brigadisten bei der Vorbereitung helfen wollt, eintragen. Demnächst findet ihr dort auch ein Infoblatt zur Durchführung der Workshops. Unsere Freundinnen in Nepal brauchen diese Informationen für die Vorbereitungen.

      Halinka Augustin und ich als Kontinentalkoordinatorinnen brauchen dringend eure Länderberichte als Grundlage für unseren Kontinentalbericht Europa! Bitte schickt euren Berichte zusätzlich in Englisch an Menu Nilukshika de Silva – .

      Ich freue mich, euch alle in Kathmandu zu treffen!

      Monika Gärtner-Engel
      Europakoordinatorin der Weltfrauenkonferenz der Basisfrauen

      To all Women in Europe

      Monika Gärtner-Engel, 18.1.16

      To all women in Europe

      Dear women!

      Liebe Frauen!

      Chères femmes!

      Queridas mujeres!

      I want to give some important informations in the process of preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference 13 to 18 March, 2016, Kathmandu, Nepal.

      Currently, every other day, mails from women and women’s organizations from new countries are arriving, who ask for information about the WWC 2016. There is a definite upswing! Nevertheless all of you should mobilize delegate from other countries as well.

      Please note:

      Everyone should inscribe via the form on the website ! There you should register your participation, workshops you want to hold and if you want to help in the preparation as international brigadist. Soon there you will find an information letter on holding workshops as well. Those informations are important for the preparations of our sisters in Nepal!

      (mehr …)