Köln – Internationaler Frauentag am 5. März 2016

Wir – das Kämpferische Frauenbündnis Köln – rufen dazu auf, anlässlich des Internationalen Frauen KölnFrauentags gemeinsam ein Zeichen zu setzen für die Befreiung der Frau!

Die Ereignisse in der Silvesternacht haben eindringlich vor Augen geführt: Hier wurde nicht nur sexuelle Gewalt gegen Frauen in erschreckendem Umfang ausgeübt – Gewalt gegen Frauen ist vielfach eine alltägliche Erfahrung. Gefördert durch allgegenwärtige Pornographie, riesige Werbeplakate für Bordelle sollen Frauen zur Ware degradiert werden, weniger wert und Freiwild. 14,6 Mrd. € betrug der Umsatz im Jahr 2013 durch Prostitution! Durch das 2002 verabschiedete Prostitutionsgesetz ist Deutschland zum Bordell Europas geworden – insbesondere Migrantinnen aus den ärmsten osteuropäischen Ländern sind Menschenhändlern und Zuhältern schutzlos ausgeliefert. Und was ist mit jenen rund 10.000 allein gereisten Flüchtlingskindern, die seit ihrer Ankunft in Europa spurlos verschwunden sind? Sind sie Opfer von Zwangsprostitution geworden?

(mehr …)

Programm of 2nd World Women’s Conference

The 2nd World Women’s Conference Poster World Womens Conference
of grassroots women
will take place
from 13th – 18th March 2016 in Kathmandu in Nepal.

Venue: Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu  find the map here: https://worldwomensconference.org/konferenzort-in-kathmandu-academy-hall/  

Its program:

13th March:

Opening with a demonstration, starting at 11 a.m. at Brhikutimandap

and a opening ceremony, 1 p.m., Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

14th and 15th March:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with break) – nine main 2-day workshops, find the list here: https://worldwomensconference.org/8680/

5 to 7 p.m. – international cultural events, on 14th March: Asia with especially Nepal

16th and 17th March:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with break) – General Assembly of delegates,

At the same time during those two days smaller workshops, book readings, excursions into the country (to be published later)

16th March: 5 to 7 p.m. – international cultural event

17th March: 5 to 7 p.m. – international song contest for a hymn of the women of the world

18th March:

Grand joint final plenary, 9 a.m.

Registration form here:  https://worldwomensconference.org/anmeldung-zur-konferenz-2016/

Mail to the conference office: wwc2016.np@gmail.com

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Press Release: Countdown for 2nd World Women’s Conference

The countdown for the 2nd World Women’s Conference of Grass-roots women is on! resize the first hung up WWC posters

Only few days from now on the 2nd World Women’s Conference of Grass-roots women will begin in Kathmandu/Nepal. From 13th to 18th March women from about 40 countries from all over the world will come together and meet with hundreds or even thousands of Nepalese women. The motto is: Women are climbing the highest mountains. The courage and the tenacity which is necessary for climbing the highest mountains was already much in demand in the preparations – and was especially showed by the Nepalese women of the United Women’s Alliance (UWA).

For four years now, women all over the world have been preparing this important event. But the devastating earthquake in April 2015 and later the unofficial border blockade by the Indian government until few weeks ago left it open, if the conference could take place at all. Originating from the courageous women of the United Women’s Alliance in Nepal, the World women (the women in the World Women’s Conference process) came to the joint decision: Grass-roots women do not let themselves be stopped by any difficulty! Neither the natural disaster of the earthquake nor the political and social catastrophe caused by the Indian government’s tries at blackmail will hinder us from climbing the highest mountains!

In 2011 the 1st World Women’s Conference of Grass-roots women took place in Caracas/ Venezuela. 15 years after the last UN World Women’s Conference it was clear: If the grass-roots women of the world lay their fate into the hands of governments, the UN or NGOs their situation will not get better. Quite to the contrary, low wages and getting even lower wages than men, violence against women, aggressive imperialist wars, conditions that force women to be a refugee, joblessness and poverty are severely affecting particularly women. Double exploitation and oppression of the mass of women is the reality in the capitalist and imperialist world of today!

(mehr …)

Einladung zum Internationalen Frauentag in Duisburg

Herzlich Willkommen! Bienvenue! Bienvenida! добро пожаловать! Bun venit! Welcome! Karşılama! ! اًل هْسَوَ اًل هْأ Hûn bi xêr hatin!

Wir laden ein zum Internationalen Frauentag 2016 Frauentag Duisburg

in Duisburg am Samstag, 5. März 14.00 Uhr Demonstration:

Treffpunkt Hauptbahnhof/Haupteingang

15.00–17.00 Uhr Infos, Stände, Kultur, Lieder, Tanz, Musik

vor dem Forum auf der Königstraße

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Pressemitteilung der Weltkoordinatorinnen (erscheint nur in englisch)

The countdown for the 2nd World Women’s Conference of Grass-roots women is on! Logo Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016

Only few days from now on the 2nd World Women’s Conference of Grass-roots women will begin in Kathmandu/Nepal. From 13th to 18th March women from about 40 countries from all over the world will come together and meet with hundreds or even thousands of Nepalese women. The motto is: Women are climbing the highest mountains. The courage and the tenacity which is necessary for climbing the highest mountains was already much in demand in the preparations – and was especially showed by the Nepalese women of the United Women’s Alliance (UWA).

For four years now, women all over the world have been preparing this important event. But the devastating earthquake in April 2015 and later the unofficial border blockade by the Indian government until few weeks ago left it open, if the conference could take place at all. Originating from the courageous women of the United Women’s Alliance in Nepal, the World women (the women in the World Women’s Conference process) came to the joint decision: Grass-roots women do not let themselves be stopped by any difficulty! Neither the natural disaster of the earthquake nor the political and social catastrophe caused by the Indian government’s tries at blackmail will hinder us from climbing the highest mountains!

In 2011 the 1st World Women’s Conference of Grass-roots women took place in Caracas/ Venezuela. 15 years after the last UN World Women’s Conference it was clear: If the grass-roots women of the world lay their fate into the hands of governments, the UN or NGOs their situation will not get better. Quite to the contrary, low wages and getting even lower wages than men, violence against women, aggressive imperialist wars, conditions that force women to be a refugee, joblessness and poverty are severely affecting particularly women. Double exploitation and oppression of the mass of women is the reality in the capitalist and imperialist world of today! (mehr …)

BAG: Offener Brief zum Asylpaket II

Offener Brief zum Asylpaket II und den Vorwürfen in einer Kölner Unterkunft für asylsuchende Logo BAG Menschen

Mit großer Sorge nehmen die Sprecherinnen der Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft kommunaler Frauenbüros und Gleichstellungsstellen (BAG) erneute Vorfälle von sexuellen Übergriffen bei Frauen und Kindern zur Kenntnis!

Die Vorfälle der Silvesternacht in Köln und anderswo haben zu internationaler Beachtung und einem Medienaufschrei ohne gleichen zum Thema „sexuelle Belästigung und sexueller Missbrauch“ geführt.

Nun ist der Verdacht bekannt geworden, dass Mitarbeiter einer Wachschutzorganisation in einem Wohnheim für asylsuchende Menschen in Köln ihren Arbeitsplatz dazu missbrauchten, Frauen und Mädchen sexuell zu belästigen, zu bedrängen und zum Geschlechtsverkehr zu zwingen. Am Mittwoch haben Frauen und Männer des Wohnheimes vor einer Außenstelle des Bundesamtes für Migration protestiert und in einem offenen Brief die Vorfälle geschildert. Mittlerweile wird gegen das Wachpersonal ermittelt.

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