Greetings to WWC by Democratic Women of Afghanistan in Europe

Greeting letter to the second World Women’s Conference afghanistan-80087_1920

By The Left Democratic Women of Afghanistan, from Europe.

Kathmandu, 13 to 18 March 2016

Dear delegates of the second World Conference on Women,

We the Left Democratic Women of Afghanistan from Europe, who have already been fighting for 50 years to get rid of the oppression of Afghan women from double exploitation, namely patriarchal and fundamentalist order, want to send our warm greetings to you. Currently, women in Afghanistan are facing a war, which capitalist countries, especially the USA are waging against our country. They have created two dark forces: the fundamentalist Taliban and ISIS, which have been imposed on the people. The bloody events of recent years, i.e. forced marriages of underaged girls, stoning, burning, beheading, ears and nose cutting, removement of women’s reproductive organs by husbands, are evidence that the women of Afghanistan are in a state dominated by patriarchal fundamentalists in a very insecure environment. Despite the presence of international forces, and human rights organizations, the plight of women of Afghanistan is getting even worse. For example, the UNAMA newsletter in March 8th of this year reported that violence against women in 2015 has grown by 37 percent.

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Greetings to WWC by Democratice Women of Afghanistan in Europe

Greeting letter to the second World Women’s Conference afghanistan-80087_1920

By The Left Democratic Women of Afghanistan, from Europe.

Kathmandu, 13 to 18 March 2016

Dear delegates of the second World Conference on Women,

We the Left Democratic Women of Afghanistan from Europe, who have already been fighting for 50 years to get rid of the oppression of Afghan women from double exploitation, namely patriarchal and fundamentalist order, want to send our warm greetings to you. Currently, women in Afghanistan are facing a war, which capitalist countries, especially the USA are waging against our country. They have created two dark forces: the fundamentalist Taliban and ISIS, which have been imposed on the people. The bloody events of recent years, i.e. forced marriages of underaged girls, stoning, burning, beheading, ears and nose cutting, removement of women’s reproductive organs by husbands, are evidence that the women of Afghanistan are in a state dominated by patriarchal fundamentalists in a very insecure environment. Despite the presence of international forces, and human rights organizations, the plight of women of Afghanistan is getting even worse. For example, the UNAMA newsletter in March 8th of this year reported that violence against women in 2015 has grown by 37 percent.

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TERRE DES FEMMES bei der Weltfrauenkonferenz

TERRE DES FEMMES beteiligt sich Terre des Femmes
an der Weltfrauenkonferenz der Basisfrauen in Kathmandu vom 13. bis 18.3.2016

Unter dem Motto Unter dem Motto „Mujeres fuertes – starke Frauen – strong women“ trafen sich 2011 rund 2000 Frauen in Venezuela.In unserer hoch komplexen und globalisierten Welt haben sich Positionierung und Aktivitäten der Organisationen der Zivilgesellschaft enorm verändert. Weltweite feministische Netzwerke und Lobby-Organisationen wie UN-Women oder die Women’s Majour Group haben sich bei diesem Wandel von den Basisorganisationen mehr und mehr entfernt. Das Netzwerk der Weltfrauenkonferenz der Basisfrauen bietet hierzu eine interessante Alternative. Prof. Godula Kosack, Vorstandsfrau von TDF und zuständig für die TDF-Projektarbeit in Kamerun wird an der Weltfrauenkonferenz in Kathmandu teilnehmen.

„Statt Nischenpolitik im Kleinen und Genderdiskussionen vor allem unter Akademikerinnen dient das Treffen der Basisfrauen dazu: Arbeiterinnen, Bäuerinnen, Migrantinnen, arbeitslose Frauen, Hausfrauen, Frauen der Ureinwohner-Völker, Wissenschaftlerinnen und Künstlerinnen, AktivistInnen der Basisarbeit zusammen zu führen“, heißt es im Aufruf zur 2. Weltfrauenkonferenz.

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Grußwort vom Frauenbüro Saarbrücken an die WFK

Grußwort der Frauenbeauftragten der Stadt Saarbrücken an die WFK Petra Messinger Saarbrücken

Frau Petra Messinger

Sehr geehrte Teilnehmerinnen
an der Weltfrauenkonferenz der Basisfrauen,

als Frauenbeauftragte der Landeshauptstadt Saarbrücken übersende ich Ihnen meine herzlichen Grüße und wünsche Ihnen einen interessanten und erfolgreichen Konferenzverlauf.

Ich danke den Frauen des Verbandes „Frauengruppe Courage“, die diese Grüße überbringen, herzlich für die gute Zusammenarbeit.

Ich gehe davon aus, dass Ihre Konferenz sich mit vielen ernst Anliegen beschäftigen werden, denn die weltweiten Geschehnisse sind sehr besorgniserregend.

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Program of 2nd World Women’s Conference (englisch)

The 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women Poster World Womens Conference

will take place from 13th – 18th March 2016 in Kathmandu in Nepal.

Venue: Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu  find the map here:  

Its program:

13th March:

Opening with a demonstration, starting at 11 a.m. at Brhikutimandap

and a opening ceremony, 1 p.m., Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

14th and 15th March:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with break) – nine main 2-day workshops, find the list here:

5 to 7 p.m. – international cultural events, on 14th March: Asia with especially Nepal

16th and 17th March:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with break) – General Assembly of delegates,

At the same time during those two days smaller workshops, book readings, excursions into the country (to be published later)

16th March: 5 to 7 p.m. – international cultural event

17th March: 5 to 7 p.m. – international song contest for a hymn of the women of the world

18th March:

Grand joint final plenary, 9 a.m.

Registration form here:

Mail to the conference office:

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Program of 2nd World Women’s Conference (englisch)

The 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women Poster World Womens Conference

will take place from 13th – 18th March 2016 in Kathmandu in Nepal.

Venue: Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu  find the map here:  

Its program:

13th March:

Opening with a demonstration, starting at 11 a.m. at Brhikutimandap

and a opening ceremony, 1 p.m., Nepal Academy Hall, Kamaladi, Kathmandu

14th and 15th March:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with break) – nine main 2-day workshops, find the list here:

5 to 7 p.m. – international cultural events, on 14th March: Asia with especially Nepal

16th and 17th March:

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. (with break) – General Assembly of delegates,

At the same time during those two days smaller workshops, book readings, excursions into the country (to be published later)

16th March: 5 to 7 p.m. – international cultural event

17th March: 5 to 7 p.m. – international song contest for a hymn of the women of the world

18th March:

Grand joint final plenary, 9 a.m.

Registration form here:

Mail to the conference office:

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