Übersicht zu den Workshops, atualisiert 160312







 Table of the Workshops –combined issues Focused issue of the workshop Assigned responsible organizations

1. Imperialism, capitalism and oppression of women


UWA (Nepal)


2. Women’s movement and feminism


Kurdish Women’s Movement

REPAK (Iraqi Kurdistan),

KJA (Turkey), Yekitiya Star (Rojava)

Women’s league Courage (Germany)


3. Wars of aggression and the role of women in liberation struggles and in fights for independence


IWA, Azra Sayeed (Pakistan),

Emily Cahilog (Gabriela, Philippines),

YPJ (Rojava)


4. Working women, their role in the struggles as part of the working-class movement and in unions.


Netherlands worldwomen and union activists,

Joly Talukder (garment worker’s union Bangladesh),

Sabeh Affes (Tunisia)


5. Young women, their situation and struggles in work, study, sports and free-time, their participation in women’s movements and politics.


REBELL (Germany)

Kifah (Tunisia)

Nepalese Youth organizations


6. Women are fighting to save mother earth; women and the environmentalist movement.


Environmental Union, Mirjam Gaertner (Germany), Prof. Cynthia Folkerts (USA),

Azra Sayeed (Pakistan)


7. The struggle for the liberation of woman


MLPD (Germany)

Songül Yücel, EKA (Labourer Women) (Turkey)

Sharmistha Choudhury (AIRWO, India)


8. Breaking the silence. Combating sexual violence against women in war and on the run

(15 years after UN-Resolution 1325)


Jasmina Prpic, Female Lawyers without Borders e.V. (Bosnina and Herzegowina), Prof. Godula Kosak, Terre des Femmes -Human Rights for Women e.V. (Germany)

Ulrike Held, Women’s league Courage (Germany)

Nisha Biswas (WSS, India)


9. Life and struggles of women in rural areas. Struggle of women peasants


Idabdellah Keltoum (Moroco)

Agnes Khoo (Ghana)



10. Women’s agency at peoples Liberation Army in cantonments and political decision Narayani T, ANWAR (All Nepal Women Association Revolutionary),


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Übersicht Workshops aktualisiert