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Halinka Augustin, Monika Gaertner-Engel Logo Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016
European coordinators of World Women’s Conference


To the women in the world women’s conference process all over the world

Dear women

in the process of preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women!

The women from the eight women’s organizations who are preparing the World Women’s Conference in Nepal have written to us:

“We have analyzed the situation, to be very hard and difficult after the in and out blockade by India. Most of the hotels are closed, schools are closed, public transportations are almost halted, household has become very difficult, most sensitive part is people are dying lack of medication. If the situation does not change, at least we have to postpone the conference, therefore they have decided to await and watch for more 15 days and have next meeting to finalise and confirm with the payment for the venue.”

In 2006 the Nepali people has overthrown the rule of the king and has changed Nepal into a secular republic. On September 20, 2015, it has adopted a constitution which for Nepal includes far reaching women’s rights. On the day of its proclamation the reactionary Modi government of India has instigated a blockade of the Indian-Nepali frontier. They do not let petrol, fuel, gas, aid supplies and medicine into Nepal any more and the grave consequences of the earthquake are not overcome by a long way!

The decision about an eventually necessary postponement of the World Women’s Conference lies with the women in Nepal.

So we should not book flights yet – but continue to actively work on all other preparations – also as a statement of intent against the Indian government.

What do you think?

Warmest greetings


Halinka Augustin
Monika Gaertner-Engel

151126 Important news from Nepal us


European coordinators of the World Women’s Conference

Important news from Nepal