1.  Verdi München:

Datum: 11.04.18 12:42 (GMT+01:00)
An: „courage münchen, anke fritz“ <couragemuenchen@web.de>, „frauenverband bundesweit, courage“ <frauenverband-courage@t-online.de>

Betreff: Solidarität mit Joly Talukder – mit der Bitte um entsprechende Weiterleitung. Danke!

Liebe Kolleginnen und Kollegen,

wir haben erfahren, dass die international für Frauenrechte engagierte Kollegin Joly Talukder aus Bangladesh gefangen genommen wurde und sich in Isolierhaft befindet.

Wir, der ver.di-Bezirksfrauenrat München (Bundesrepublik Deutschland), protestiert entschieden gegen die Inhaftierung und die Isolierhaft und fordert die unverzügliche Freilassung von Joly Talukder.

Mit solidarischen Grüßen

Agnes Kottmann

(i.A. ver.di-Bezirksfrauenrat München)


2. Courage Vest-Recklinghausen:
für den Ortsvorstand:
Gabi Beisenkamp: Beisenkamp@t-online.de


Protest note

The Women’s Association Courage Vest resolutely and energetically unites the protest against the arrest and isolation of Joly Talukder and 7 other dedicated unionists on 01.04.2018 in Bangladesh.

Joly Talukder became internationally known for her commitment to improving working conditions after the conflagration and the collapse of the Rana Plaza.

When three years ago the textile factory in Bangladesh collapsed and more than 1,100 people were killed , international fashion companies pledged to improve. Rana Plaza was the largest factory accident in the country’s history.

Just three weeks later, unions and industry representatives signed a plan of action to improve fire safety and building security. But since then factory buildings have repeatedly burned or collapsed, and many people died. Construction and safety measures are still neglected.

The now imprisoned and criminalized trade unionists were engaged to implement the action plans and exposing the intolerable grievances before more people would be suffocated, scalded or burned at the workplace.

We demand the immediate unconditional release of Joly Talukder and all other GWTUC trade unionists imprisoned in Bangladesh!


Weitere Solidaritäts- und Protestschreiben zu Joly Talukder und ihren Kolleginnen