European Coordinators call for November 25th 2015

European Coordinators

of the World Women’s Conference of grass-roots womenLogo Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016

Maria Hagberg (deputy), Monika Gaertner-Engel, Halinka Augustin, Angélica Urrutia (deputy), 10. November 2015

Call for the 25th of November 2015 –
international day of struggle and action
in the World Women’s Conference process

We have now the biggest refugee catastrophe since the Second World War. 60 million people escape from oppression, violence and war. The worldwide patriarchy shows its ugly face in its most dreadful way by raw capitalism, by militarism, by religious and political racism and fascism and human trafficking and slavery.

When women from the Balkan Conflict during the 1990ties witnessing in The European Parliament they told us about rape, and other sexual abuse in war, and about sex trafficking in the trail of war, post conflict situations. They also told us how soldiers used sexual abuse towards women who came from firm religious and traditional societies. After the women were raped they were not only threatened by the enemy but also by their own families because they were blamed for the rape. A lot of women escaped home, sometimes giving birth to children as a result of the rape. They later abandoned these children, and then going on to become suicidal or victims of sex trafficking themselves.

Now we can see the same pattern in Syria, Iraq, Nigeria, Congo and Sudan and among many other countries in conflict.


Documents, Resolutions and Decisions of 5th World Coordinator’s Meeting

PRESS STATEMENT                                                                                                          18 September, 2015

Women are climbing the highest mountains…  logo1 wfk 2016

… this is the theme of the second World Women’s Conference (WWC) of grassroots’ women which will  take place in Kathmandu, Nepal from the 13th to the 18th of March in 2016. Women from at least 60 countries all around the world, are preparing for this big event.

Twenty years after the United Nation (UN) world women’s conference in Beijing  in 1995, the grassroots women say that the UN and the governments promised gender equality – but with the states’ continued implementation of  neoliberal policies nothing has change.  In reality, the political, social and cultural situation of the grassroots’ women have worsened with the impact of the wars of aggression and the devastating disaster caused by corporate aggression, fundamentalism, the decreasing wages, violence against women and the stress for women to take care of the family, the children and the growing population of the elderly.  We are determined to build a better future  women, towards the full emancipation of  the people of the world.


Greece: Non-Aligned Women’s Movement – Mata Kaloudaki

In violation of the International Conventions and the Greek Constitution, the IMF and the European governments – in command by the international banks and financial assassins – since 2010 they have imposed, through their puppet politicians in Athens, the “rescue program” of Greece.

The results of this program are tragical: Poverty, insecurity, destruction of social welfare, malnourished children, loss of social and democratic rights, misery and despair.

They also request for the continuation of this program from the last elected government of Greece (SYRIZA-ANEL).

The nuggets of social policy that the coalition of SYRIZA-ANEL applied to Greece, but mainly its disposal to a relatively political autonomy, highlighted in particular the repulsive imperialist face of the EU and the IMF, who by threats and terror campaigns attempt to crush the Greek people .
What is at stake in Greece is also at stake in Kompani, Ukraine, Syria, Iraq, Latin America and in Europe.


Greece: Interview with Voula Taki

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  1. Our readers are very interested in the mood of the people in Greece. What is your opinion on the blackmailing by the EU?

In recent weeks we are seeing in progress a “financial coup” in Greece by the EU, ECB and IMF . Especially after the decision of the Greek government to move to a referendum asking the Greek people to vote “NO” or “YES” in the agreement proposed by the troika. Due to this decision the past few days we receive a hard, barbaric and non-negotiable attitudes of capital and EU who believe that they can behave and to order as colonizers (read the declarations of Juncker, Schäuble, Merkel etc). They organized this terrorist attack using of their “servants / guardians’ – the local capital, the dominant economic classes and the media (banks closed, limiting the cash withdrawals in the amount of EUR 60 daily, has started defaulting employer to their employees under the pretext of the referendum, intimidation of people constantly of the private media, organizing counter-demonstrations etc). It’s like a class war.


Greece: Interview with Sofia Tzizkou

Here are my answers to your questions:

Our readers are very interested in the mood of the people in Greece. What is your opinion on the blackmailing by the EU?

1-Greek people realize the blackmail by the Troika and Eurozone leaders, who play an unfair game, believing that  by creating economic  asphyxia among  greek society, the government will collapse.

We should , also, underline their cooperation with the opposition parties ,as they would like to accelerate the end of “the left intermezzo” in Greece!

They  provoked the closure of banks, by stopping currency by the ECB,leading to capital control, fact that makes some people (mostly pensionners  ) to feel insecure due to lack of cash.

In one hand they realize the purpose of such blackmail and are supportive to the government, in the other hand they worry about the “day after”.

They  feel anger rather than  fear for the future.

  1. How has the situation of especially the families and women been developing during the last months?
