
World Women’s Conference – Caracas/Venezuela – 4 to 8 March 2011

„About the future of the militant world women’s movement!“

(Consensus of the final plenary session on 7 March 2011)

  • We do agree on the fundamental principles of our work: To struggle for the liberation of women and against imperialism – its exploitation of the workers all over the world, against starvation, against mass unemployment, against the destruction of the natural environment, against the dependence that imperialism has imposed upon us, the peoples and nations, as well as against neo-colonialism and colonialism.
  • The necessary historical change is neither a formal one, nor an exchange of persons but a transformation of the capitalist system which is the reason for the crisis and for the serious problems that humankind has to tackle.

  • The other, just world that we want covers many movements and ways of struggle, experiences to organize ourselves.

  • Many of us are working for the socialist alternative as an answer to the desire for a better world! The ideas of that are diverse and this is why we consider the debate about a perspective as necessary in order to promote the women’s struggle so that they will fight in the first row to conquer our rights: against sexual exploitation, women/child trafficking, for equal wages and for the right for a worthy and safe job, social rights, the protection of the environment, against racism and xenophobia, for the right to participate in politics with equal rights etc.

  • The worldwide militant women’s movement needs to closely cooperate for all of that and to unite and coordinate itself, learn from each other and struggle jointly. This is the most important message of this enthusiastic first World Women’s of Rank-and-file Women 2011 in Caracas/Venezuela.
  • The decisive basis for all that are the militant women’s movements in the single countries, to win over the women of the exploited classes and sectors, the progressive, democratic, intelectual women, the scientists, artists and young women.
  • We want to carry out further World Women’s Conferences of Rank-and-file Women as a highlight in the development and strenghtening of the national, regional, continental and international women’s movement! They are to take place every five years and on another continent or in another region in future.
  • We will meet within one year to evaluate the many and diverse experiences of this first WWC, and we have to carry out this evaluation in our countries and organizations to qualify the reached successes and the limits of the preparation process and of the realization.
  • Regional, national or continental meetings will take place during this time, being prepared by the present initiator’s committee which will continue its work provisionally until the final worldwide committee will be fixed in one year. The representatives will be determinded on the continental or regional meetings (Asia, Africa, Middle East, Europe, Latin America, North America). There will be two main representatives per region/continent as well as two deputies. This composition can be expanded during the preparation of the second conference if necessary. As soon as the venue for the next World Women’s Conference is fixed two more women from this region/continent will join the worldwide preparatory committee.
  • The determination the representatives for the worldwide preparatory committee of the second conference must be the result of a democratic process involving and strengthening the militant women’s movement.
  • The Worldwide Preparatory Comittee of the second conference has a coordinating function. It does not have an organized and/or political structure and will work in a democratic way on eye level, respecting the autonomy of the participating countries and organizations. It will further work being built on the principles and the further documents that have been approved for the first World Women’s Conference.
  • We want to develop the militant women’s movement in each country and focus our power on three worldwide days of struggle of the militant women’s movement; but we also want to develop different forms of struggle, of solidarity and of mobilization to spread the decisions that were approved by the women during the delegates’ conference and in the workshops.
  • We conduct a preparatory campaign for 8 March during the entire year to regain its historical importance as day of memory and of women’s struggle who are fighting all over the world against capitalist rule, against patriarchy, against imperialism and for the liberation of humankind.

  • On 1 May , the day of struggle of the workers of the world, we especially express our opinion for the labor rights of women and against exploitative child labor.
  • On 25 November, the day against violence against women, it is important to accuse the different forms of violence against women, especially those who are suffering as results of aggression and imperialist wars against the peoples, in which women become victims and war trophies.

  • We declare that the struggle of the international militant women’s movement is an inseparable part of the struggles of workers, peoples and the entire humankind for its emancipation.

  • Let us organize the women! Let us develop the existing website so that it will be the website of the World Women’s Conference.

  • Let us work together in solidarity across country and language borders! Let us use our rich potentials of our experiences and cultures! Let us use the different forms of communication, coordination and cooperation in order to deepen and widen our work. Let us break the technological wall by using alternative forms of communication and mutual solidarity to strengthen the world women’s movement working for our liberation.

Long live the worldwide conferences of the militant women’s movement!

Onward with the liberation of woman and humankind!

This is a our task and challenge for the 21st century.

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