World Coordinators of the World Women´s Conference of grassroots women call for participation, initiation and activities on the Hiroshima Memorial Day 06.08.2022


Let’s make this day a day of struggle for world peace!

World Women demand: No second Hiroshima! No second Nagasaki!
Destruction of all nuclear, biological and chemical weapons!

Hiroshima reminds: on 06.08.1945 the imperialist USA threw the first atomic bomb and destroyed at one blow about 250.000 people. Until today the radiation affects man and nature. Worldwide, imperialist governments are actively preparing for the possibility of a nuclear third world war. In 2022, there are about 12,700 nuclear weapons in nine countries worldwide. The U.S. and Russia are the two largest nuclear powers in the world.
World women, together with the workers-‘, peoples’, indigenous and youth movements, are building a front across national and continental borders against imperialist warmongering with the threat of nuclear contamination and destruction of people and nature!

We stand up and say NO! No nuclear war!
We demand from all nuclear powers the obligation never to carry out a nuclear first strike.

Answers from Continental Coordinators:

Chères collègues,
Sans hésiter je réponds favorablement à cet appel pour la journée d’Hiroshima contre la guerre nucléaire !
Nous devons éviter à notre Monde déjà croupissant sous les effets néfastes antérieures
des précédentes guerres d’en subir une autre car nulle n’en serait épargné !!
Marie -Paula


Dear colleagues,
Without hesitation I respond favourably to this call for the Hiroshima Day against nuclear war! We must prevent our World, already languishing under the previous harmful effects of previous wars, from suffering another one because none would be spared!
Marie -Paula

Buenas tardes, desde Lima – Perú la ASDEMULP lanzamos nuestra voz de protesta ante todo hecho de ataque nuclear que afecten y peligren la vida de los seres humanos y a su vez en contra del medio ambiente.
Nuestra posición es NO AL ARMAMENTISMO Y GUERRA NUCLEAR en contra de nuestros pueblos hermanos.

Edith Castro M.


Good afternoon, from Lima – Peru the ASDEMULP launches our voice of protest against any nuclear attack that affects and endangers the lives of human beings and at the same time against the environment.
Our position is NO TO ARMAMENTISM AND NUCLEAR WAR against our brother peoples.

Edith Castro M.

Joly Talukder

Guideline for country reports for the preparation of continental reports for the General Assembly at the 3rd World Conference of Grassroots Women

Info for delegations to the 3rd World Conference of Grassroots Women

Dear women, as delegates of your country you represent the women’s movement at the General Assembly of the 3rd World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women. The General Assembly is the decision-making body of the World Conference on Women, it is composed of the elected delegates and the global coordinators. There is 1 delegation per country, which has five votes, regardless of its actual size. The General Assembly discusses core issues of women’s situation and struggles and decides on its outcomes according to a consensus principle. An essential basis of the discussion are your country reports which are summarized into continental reports by the continental coordinators.

1. Brief presentation of the country, the situation of the mass of women, their working and living conditions, size and scope of the women’s movement
z. E.g. Is there industry? Agriculture? Do the women work full time, part time, informal sector? What is the social situation of the mass of women? How big is the women’s movement and what political currents does it include?

2. What are the struggles of the women’s movement, as well as other struggles, and what are their demands?

3. The form of the reports
the reports should be max. 2 pages long; it would be nice if you send us 2-3 photos in addition. We would like to make the continental reports with your pictures as Powerpoint – presentation.

4. Deadline for the country reports
Please send your reports to your coordinators by August 15:
Asia: Joly Talukder <> or Durga Paudel <>
Middle East: Meral Çiçek <>
Africa: Marie-paula Logosu-teko <> or Nancy MBUAKANIA <>
Latin America: Edithluz Irene Castro Muñoz <>
Europe: Halinka Augustin <> or <>

Now we wish you a lot of fun and success in writing the reports. If you have any questions or need help, please contact the coordinators.

Greetings, your preparation group.

No! Oxi! Solidarity with the struggling Larko workers and their families! No factory closure! No eviction from their homes!

European Coordinators of the World Women’s Conference:

We World Women have heard about your struggle for your jobs and send you solidarity greetings to Greece! When you march to Athens on Friday 29.7.22 we will report about your march and struggle in many countries.

Your struggle for your jobs, your housing and the future of the whole region is a signal for many workers not to bend but to fight! We are thrilled that you have formed struggle committees in your region; women, children, traders, are with you in the struggle. No job should be destroyed!

Solidarity with the Larko workers’ fight for every job!

Tjhe Continental Coordinators of the World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women from the Netherlands and Germany greet you in solidarity !


In the meantime, we have received further approvals for the call for solidarity with the Larko workers and their families, which we have immediately forwarded to Greece.

From Durga Paudel/ Asia Coordinator of the World Women’s Conference:
“We, the Nepali women, fully support the movement of the Larko company of Greece and express our solidarity with them. In the same time, we agree with the declaration of solidarity.”

and from Edith Luz / Coordinator Latin America:

Completamente de acuerdo desde Peru también haremos llegar nuestra solidaridad.“
Translation: In complete agreement, we in Peru will also send our solidarity.

Workshops at the 3rd World Conference of Grassroots Women – Guidelines for the preparation and implementation of workshops

Notes on the further conduct of workshops:

Dear friends,
We closed the application process for the workshop program of the 3. World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women in Tunisia.
In order to create the timetable of the workshop program on 5 & 6 September 2022 we would like to know from you how much time you have planned for your workshop.
We have 3 hours in the morning and 3 hours in the afternoon on both days.
Please tell us if 3 hours are enough or if you prefer to hold your workshop on 2 days, either in the morning hours or in the afternoon. If you need more time than 6 hours in total, please tell us.
Please answer as soon as possible, the best within the NEXT 2 DAYS.
Best, Meral

Workshops are an integral part of the mass program of the World Women’s Conference. They serve a mass discussion, consultation and exchange on central questions of the international militant women’s movement.

As the continental and regional conferences are only now taking place the deadline for registration is the August 01, 2022. The registration must include a description of the content and the process of the workshop. Please send to the working group Workshops by email. Email:

1. Joint preparation: Groups and individuals who register to organize a workshop should a workshop should prepare and conduct it together. The working group Workshops will pass on the respective contact details so that you can communicate with each other. Those women’s organizations that would like to participate as speakers or presenters at the workshops are asked to register by 01.08.2022.

2. 2 days of the conference program will also be dedicated to workshops this time. There is a possibility that a workshop can be split – the first half on 5.9.22 and the continuation on 6.6.22. So that participation in two different workshops is possible. Accordingly, the workshops should be organized in time.

3. Unfortunately the World Women’s Conference cannot provide translation and technology for the workshops.Each workshop should therefore provide translation facilities (Whisper, spider etc.). If you need any support, please contact the working group Workshops.

4. All materials and technology necessary for the workshop (e.g. beamer, flipboard, pens, paper, etc.) should be provided by the preparation groups themselves, should be provided by the preparation groups themselves.

5. Each workshop group should create a poster with the title of their workshop and hang it up on site.

6. Please prepare a protocol of the implementation: number of participants, nationalities, core disputes with their contradictions, specificities in the countries, positive experiences. You can bring a resolution to the General Assembly that was adopted in your workshop.

7. Please hand in the minutes and resolutions to the workshop leaders.

So far, the following workshops are registered or in progress:

Workshop Program 3rd World Women’s Conference

5 September 09:00 – 12:00

5 September 15:00 – 18:00

6 September 09:00 – 12:00

6 September 15:00 – 18:00


Platform of antifascists and antiimperialists within the World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women

World Coordinators

Platform of antifascists and antiimperialists within the World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women

World Coordinators


NO to imperialist war, YES to the struggle for liberation !

Monika Gärtner-Engel

NO to imperialist war, YES to the struggle for liberation !

Monika Gärtner-Engel

NO to imperialist war, YES to the struggle for liberation !

Monika Gärtner-Engel

NO to imperialist war, YES to the struggle for liberation !

Monika Gärtner-Engel


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Build the anti-imperialist women’s movement!  Women against fascism, war and exploitation



Valiant, solidaric, self-confident – Organize

Courage,  EKA

Valiant, solidaric, self-confident – Organize

Courage,  EKA


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Kurdish Women’s Movement Boushra Ali

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Gabi Fechtner

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Gabi Fechtner

New perspectives for women’s liberation – genuine socialism or feminist-wrapped opportunism

Gabi Fechtner


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Any war is a war against women
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Dr. Anjila Al Maamari

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Dr. Hiba Haddadeen
Narjess Rahmani
Dr. Anjila Al Maamari
Narjess Rahmani
Different forms of violence against women and the role of sexism
Dr. Hiba Haddadeen
Narjess Rahmani
Dr. Anjila Al Maamari
Narjess Rahmani
Different forms of violence against women and the role of sexism
Dr. Hiba Haddadeen
Narjess Rahmani
Dr. Anjila Al Maamari
Narjess Rahmani


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Ver.di, Yeni Kadin Dünyasi

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Current information on the 3rd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women from 03 – 10.09.2022 in Tunis/ Tunisia


Current information on the 3rd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women

from 03 – 10.09.2022 in Tunis/ Tunisia

The Tunisian Preparatory Committee “Latifa Tamalaah” greets the women of the world. Together with all the organizations in Tunis, they are happy to welcome the women from 03-10.09.22 in the University of Manouba.

There will be overnight accommodations in the dormitory for 100 participants. The standard will be 2-3 bed rooms with one shower and toilet per floor. The cost will be approximately €10 per person per night. The standard is considered “very low” by the committee.

Continental coordinators, in consultation with the Tunisian Preparatory Committee, will advise on the distribution of these low-cost rooms. The priority is to make the offer available to all women with very low incomes, to our brigadists who are on the ground supporting the preparations and, if necessary, to the coordinators.

he committee sends us addresses of other low and medium standard hotels. Here the prices are about 30.- / 50.- €.

he organization “National Union of Tunisian Women” in the preparation committee supports the research for places to stay.

The travel agency “people to people” researches in cooperation with a representation in Tunis further hotels in Tunis, since there are hardly any hotels in Manouba.

The travel time from Tunis to Manouba is given with max. 1 hour (traffic). A cab for 3 persons costs about 3,50€. You can also take the metro, it stops directly at the university.

The food is organized by the university canteen. The food should cost about 3 € per meal. Furthermore there will be food stalls of local traders.

An official invitation letter is being made, which can be used for the international partnerships.
Also an overview of visa requirements.

The program of the World Women’s Conference
(the actual conference goes from 04 – 09.09.22):


Arrival day and registration at the university in Manouba


Big opening demonstration and opening ceremony in the heart of Tunis, and further registration






General Assembly of elected delegates; open for interested participants / observers


General Assembly of elected delegates; open for interested participants / observers


Large joint closing plenary session


Departure day or beginning of vacation trips

here will be cultural offers every day by the participants; The countries of Europe are responsible for the
Continental Cultural Evening of Europe.

Declaration of the World Women from Europe on the Struggle for World Peace.

Adopted at the European Conference on 22/04/23.

The European Conference of World Women on 22/04/23 with 45 delegates and participants from Bosnia-Herzegovina, Belarus, Germany, France, Great Britain, Croatia, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Spain, Turkey/ South Kurdistan, Ukraine, exchanged views on Russia’s war against Ukraine, discussed and decided:

No war of aggression is in our name. We are not the aggressors! We world women stand for international solidarity and friendship between peoples. We women are strong and persistent in the struggle for peace in the world!

We do not simply stand by and watch – we act.

We know that many wars are currently being waged in the world in the name of imperialist policies. But we see a new quality in the war and political events in the war against Ukraine. Because here, different powers stand against each other – Russia on one side, with Belarus, and NATO, the USA and the EU on the other side.

We have heard that Belarus is providing Russia with a military base, the use of airports and railways and oil factories for Russian military techniques.
Our women from Ukraine are afraid of the invasion of Lukashenko’s troops. Representatives from Bosnia-Herzegovina recall the NATO war in the Balkans. Even today, women in particular are suffering the consequences.

We World Women stand up against the threat of a third world war, even if we still have different opinions about how immediate it is. We oppose the preparation for war, the political development to the right and fascisation in our countries. We call for the broadening of humanitarian aid to the struggle for the building of a worldwide peace movement against all aggressions, especially imperialist aggressions.

We see ourselves in the tradition of Clara Zetkin, who organised the international conference of women against war in Berne in 1915.
“Only when the great majority of women also stand behind the slogan with the deepest conviction: war against war, then peace can be secured for the peoples.”

Let us make the 3rd World Women’s Conference from 3 – 10 September 2022 in Tunis to a manifestation for world peace and active resistance!