Greece: Interview with Sophia Roditi from the steel workers’ women from Aspropirgos


  1. Our readers are very interested in the mood of the people in Greece. What is your opinion on the blackmailing by the EU?

Μost people here in Greece, consider the referendum an act of resistance to the lenders. No interest the real question but the act of the referendum. After five years of tough austerity they all know now, that the EU is wrong created. They want to stay in the EU but to change Europe.They want to have jobs and the country to become productive. They can not understand that there is not production because we are in the EU. Just their request  to change something that is structured from the beginning against the people and in favor of capital.However, in the minds of citizens, the EU-IMF-ECB is loan sharks, which with the help of the older governments oppress our democracy.My opinion is that there must be a break with the EU and the people to decide freely and without restriction to their  fate. Be able to choose freely and to produce what has need.They blackmailed by the EU-IMF-ECB and the media scares us but I think that comes the beginning of the end for all of them.


  1. How has the situation of especially the families and women been developing during the last months?

Practically nothing has changed. The working conditions, the sector of health, education, nutrition is the same. The government tried to measures taken for the humanitarian crisis to help but unfortunately very few citizens are entering these programs. There are no jobs and where can be found, is in slavery conditions. Without eight hours with very little wages and uncertainty about whether there is work for the next day.


  1. What are the struggles that your initiative/organization are leading against the crisis dictate of the EU?

We try with meetings, mobilizations and events to inform citizens about the real cause of all who live. We participate in kinematic actions (demonstrations, lectures, festivals, etc.), so as to demonstrate in practice that the fight never wasted, only that which is not given.

20.020,22 Euro for Nepal!

Answer from Shiela: Dear European coordinatiors, I express my heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of Nepalese masses. Your effort of solidarity definitely strengths the will power of women in the process of world women conference, to help the needy people who are ignored by the state. For sure once the situation gets stable we will give  the report. Though I am unable to build contact with other coordinators in Nepal, but I hope they are physically uninjured. Once more I would like to extend my thanks for your valueable contribution at very vulnerable situation, and hope for the same in future. In struggle, Shiela. ****       European Coordinators Monika, Halinka, Angélica, Maria 21-05-2015 To the Coordinators in Nepal CC to all World Coordinators Dear Durga, Sarita and Shiela, we are tremendously happy that we can transfer 20.020,22 €uro from Germany, the


Netherlands and France. What is special about these funds is, that they mainly come from many small-scale and micro donations. About 10,000 discussions were held for it, the women mainly collected on May Day also among workers. This included speaking about the World Women’s Conference and the important union of the 8 women’s organisations in Nepal. We emphasised that the 8 women’s organisations are not dependent on cooperation with the government, like the international charitiy organisations are, but have deep roots among the masses of the women. The women are of course curious to get to know at a later time how the money was used. Whenever you will have a clear head again to write about this, we are happy to get a report. But of course there is no hurry! (more…)

Resolution of the 3rd Worldwide Meeting of the Coordinators

Resolution of the 3rd Worldwide Meeting of the Coordinators

6th to 9th October 2014 in Chemnitz/GermanyGruppenfoto Welttreffen Koordinatorinnen 2014

for preparation of 2nd World Women’s Conference


Active resistance for a ban on fracking – worldwide!

The coordinators of the WWC express their solidarity with all the anti-fracking activists taking part in „Global Frack Down Day“ on 11th October.

Fracking not only destroys whole landscapes, pollutes the water we drink and the air we breathe but also is a major threat to our climate.

We say ban fracking – worldwide!

It only serves the profits of the big energy corporations.

We need renewable energy!


8 Resolutions of the 2nd coordinators meeeting ins South Africa on October 11-13

Worldwide meeting of the coordinators, October 11-13, 2013

Women gathered in South Africa for the 2nd  coordinators meeting preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference 2016 passed the following resolutions: 

1. Resolution on Mary Zamora aus Ecuador

Women gathered in South Africa for the 2nd coordinators meeting preparing the 2nd World Women’s Conference 2016 want to express their solidarity with our comrade Mary Zamora, former UNE’s president (Union of Ecuadorian Educators) for her unjust and anti-democratic conviction of 8 years of prison due to the persecution of president Correa’s government to the real popular fighters.

2. Resolution on South African Mine Strikes

291.865 employees of mine industries in South Africa, Anglo-America Platinum, Kumba Iron Ore and Anglo-Ashanti, in strikes 40 workers were killed and 78 injured last year. That is ongoing strikes, demanding their wage increase and better conditions of work in all mine sectors. As women we express our solidarity with South African Workers.
