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Info for delegations to the 3rd World Conference of Grassroots Women

Dear women, as delegates of your country you represent the women’s movement at the General Assembly of the 3rd World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women. The General Assembly is the decision-making body of the World Conference on Women, it is composed of the elected delegates and the global coordinators. There is 1 delegation per country, which has five votes, regardless of its actual size. The General Assembly discusses core issues of women’s situation and struggles and decides on its outcomes according to a consensus principle. An essential basis of the discussion are your country reports which are summarized into continental reports by the continental coordinators.

1. Brief presentation of the country, the situation of the mass of women, their working and living conditions, size and scope of the women’s movement
z. E.g. Is there industry? Agriculture? Do the women work full time, part time, informal sector? What is the social situation of the mass of women? How big is the women’s movement and what political currents does it include?

2. What are the struggles of the women’s movement, as well as other struggles, and what are their demands?

3. The form of the reports
the reports should be max. 2 pages long; it would be nice if you send us 2-3 photos in addition. We would like to make the continental reports with your pictures as Powerpoint – presentation.

4. Deadline for the country reports
Please send your reports to your coordinators by August 15:
Asia: Joly Talukder <> or Durga Paudel <>
Middle East: Meral Çiçek <>
Africa: Marie-paula Logosu-teko <> or Nancy MBUAKANIA <>
Latin America: Edithluz Irene Castro Muñoz <>
Europe: Halinka Augustin <> or <>

Now we wish you a lot of fun and success in writing the reports. If you have any questions or need help, please contact the coordinators.

Greetings, your preparation group.

Guideline for country reports for the preparation of continental reports for the General Assembly at the 3rd World Conference of Grassroots Women