Answer from Shiela: Dear European coordinatiors, I express my heartfelt gratitude, on behalf of Nepalese masses. Your effort of solidarity definitely strengths the will power of women in the process of world women conference, to help the needy people who are ignored by the state. For sure once the situation gets stable we will give the report. Though I am unable to build contact with other coordinators in Nepal, but I hope they are physically uninjured. Once more I would like to extend my thanks for your valueable contribution at very vulnerable situation, and hope for the same in future. In struggle, Shiela. **** European Coordinators Monika, Halinka, Angélica, Maria 21-05-2015 To the Coordinators in Nepal CC to all World Coordinators Dear Durga, Sarita and Shiela, we are tremendously happy that we can transfer 20.020,22 €uro from Germany, the

Netherlands and France. What is special about these funds is, that they mainly come from many small-scale and micro donations. About 10,000 discussions were held for it, the women mainly collected on May Day also among workers. This included speaking about the World Women’s Conference and the important union of the 8 women’s organisations in Nepal. We emphasised that the 8 women’s organisations are not dependent on cooperation with the government, like the international charitiy organisations are, but have deep roots among the masses of the women. The women are of course curious to get to know at a later time how the money was used. Whenever you will have a clear head again to write about this, we are happy to get a report. But of course there is no hurry! We are shaken at the second earthquake in Nepal and hope that you are not injured. In our fund-raising campaign in Europe we experienced a lot of compassion and solidarity among women and other donors. Sometimes it was not that easy as many charity organisations are also collecting donations and their bank account details are presented in all kinds of media. There were also a lot of legitimate and critical questions concerning the Nepalese government; why there was so little provision despite being a country so vulnerable to earthquakes as well as concerning the charity organisation and whether their money really arrives at the grassroots. Many women also raise the question what will become of the 2nd World Women’s Conference in 2016. We answer that this question will be answered in Nepal and will be discussed with us in the other countries when the time has come for it. Here too, our opinion is: Now it is too early for this discussion. There is enough time to wait until you have coped with the situation and have come to an assessment yourselves. All the same we would be glad about any reports from your side – if ever you find the time and the fortitude to write. With warm and solidary greetings from Europe, Monika, Halinka, Angélica und Maria Download Letter to Nepal: 150521-Europa-Koordinatorinnen-Brief-an-Koord.-Nepal-zu-Erdbebenspenden-end-US