“Last call” for WWC conference 2016 by European Coordinators

141008 attachment 3 LOGO 2 Nepal conferenceEuropean Coordinators of the World Women’s Conference
Europakoordinatorinnen der Weltfrauenkonferenz
Coordinatrices de l’Europe pour la Conférence mondiale des femmes
Halinka Augustin, Monika Gaertner-Engel

Worldwomen in Europe!

Come and join the 2nd World Women’s Conference in Kathmandu!

Today you receive the European coordinators Call for international Women’s Day on March, 8 – the joint day of struggle and action of the World-women. (in three languages and two printing versions)

As you know the 2nd World Women’s Conference takes place from 13th – 18th March in Kathmandu/Nepal – in spite of all problems.

Today we send as well our “last call” to you:

Come from as many countries as possible!

If there are financial problems: develop activities and mutual support so that at least one women from each country can go!

Register your participation with the Conference Signup Form on this webpage and find all important information here.

Please write a country report (5 pages max.), even if you are not able to take part and send it to  gaertner.engel@t-online.de and to menu_cma@yahoo.com  – these country reports will be published on a CD – this will result in a journey to the grass-roots women of the world!

Contact us for any problems coming up!

We are looking forward to see you in Nepal!

Cordial greetings,

Halinka Augustin
Monika Gaertner-Engel


European Coordinators call for International Women’s Day 2016

European Coordinators of the 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women
Halinka Augustin (Netherlands), Monika Gaertner-Engel (Germany)
Maria Hagberg (Sweden), Angélica Urrutia (Germany), deputies

To the Women of Europe

Call for International Women’s Day, March 8 World Coordinators Meeting

Dear women,

March 8 we go out on the streets and hold rallies and other activities together with millions of other women all over the world. International Women’s Day is one of thecommon days of action and struggle of the

World women – those women worldwide who are preparing and will be holding the 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women in Kathmandu/Nepal from 13 to 18 March, 2016.

Women’s Women’s consciousness and internationalist cooperation is growing, worldwide and in Europe. In the Europe wide actual refugee disaster, refugee women and their children often are the most affected – and women often are in the forefront, when it comes to organizing international solidarity and practical help on grass-roots level.

Download full Call for selfprinting:
160207 Call 8 March Layout – US for self printing
Download Call for printshops:
160207 Call 8 Maerz Layout – US for printshop

Women in Stuttgart/Germany protest to Indian Embassy in Nepal

To the Indian Embassy in Nepal

Ambassador Janjit Rae

Stuttgart, 25 November 2015 Mahnmal Stuttgart

Today on 25 November, the worldwide Day Against Violence Against Women, we have gathered here in Stuttgart at the Memorial Against Fascism and War. This  Day Against Violence Against Women is a cornerstone of joint action of the World Women’s Conference of grassroots women and is being observed in many countries worldwide. The 2nd World Women’s Conference is planned to be taking place next March in Nepal, also because the women’s movement has played an important political role in Nepal.


Declaration of Protest to Indian Embassy in Germany

National Assembly of Women, Germany Logo Weltfrauenkonferenz 2016

Kassel, 14 November 2015

To the Indian Embassy in Germany

S.E. Mr. Vijay Keshav Gokhale,


To the Indian Embassy in Nepal

Ambassador Janjit Rae


Declaration of Protest

We, the 216 women at the National Women’s Assembly in the preparation of the 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women, which will take place from March 13 to 18, 2016, declare our vigorous protest against the Indian government’s factual economic boycott against Nepal.

From our friends of the United Women’s Alliance we learned, how this boycott massively impairs the life of women and families. For now eight weeks there is a factual boycott of the deliveries of fuel, gas, medicines and other goods and the frontier between Nepal and India is blocked. Children cannot attend school any more because buses cannot run any more, women cannot do the cooking any more because they do not have any gas.

The Indian government has begun this blockade exactly on the day when Nepal proclaimed its new democratic and secular constitution. Nepal’s sovereignty is trod upon.

We women demand:

Open the frontiers immediately and end the economic boycott against Nepal!

Protest Declaration to Indian Embassy in Germany us

A Letter to the women in Nepal

Correspondence from worldwomen in Essen, Germany Essen Tag gegen Gewalt
on the occasion of International day against violence on women

Dear Sisters from Anwa, Nepal

With great dismay we read 2 days ago your letter to all world women. As representatives of eight women’s organizations preparing in Nepal the World Women’s Conference, you wrote us: “We have analyzed the situation, to be very hard and difficult after the in and out blockade by India. Most of the hotels are closed, schools are closed, public transportations are almost halted, household has become very difficult, most sensitive part is people are dying lack of medication. If the situation does not change, at least we have to postpone the conference, therefore they have decided to await and watch for more 15 days.

We hold great esteem for you and will accept your decision. You accomplished great things in the past and also now, during the preparation of the World Women’s Conference of Grassroots Women 2016 in your country!
