Concept workshop No. 4: Women at work

  1. Working women, their role in the struggle as part of the labor movement and in trade unions

Themes working women – equal pay for equal work – women and union work – child care at the workplace – discrimination against mothers – political and economic review of the situation of women – discrimination against women in access to leading positions – the situation of young women

The organization of the workshop


Concept workshop no. 3: Wars of Aggresion

Xaya Nehmet (Kurdish name Rengin Renas); Representative of the Womens’ Protection Units (YPJ).

On my behalf, and that of the Women’s Protection Units, YPJ, I would like to commend this conference; which we consider a major step confirming the will, strength, and role of women in the achievement of social change and renaissance. I would also like to extend to you the greetings of each and every one of my comrades in the trenches, battling to defend every inch of Rojava, Syria; fighting on behalf, and in the name of, all women in the world.


Concept workshop no. 2: Women’s movement and feminism

Workshop No. 2 Women’s movement and feminism:

2. Women’s movement and feminism Kurdish Women’s Movement

REPAK (Iraqi Kurdistan),

KJA (Turkey), Yekitiya Star (Rojava)

Women’s league Courage (Germany)

1 – Throughout history, women like Cleopatra, Zenobia, Rosa Luxemburg, Clara Zetkin, Leyla Kasim, Zerifa, Zada Sultan, and Kara Fatma have played key roles in leading women’s revolutions around the world, and that leading spirit is continuing in the Kurdistan Liberation Movement, where Kurdish women such as Zilan, Viyan, Shilan, and Sara, have been pioneering the peaceful cause of women’s freedom, while serving as a true example for thousands of Kurdish women to come.


APTUF Pakistan Solidarity Message IWD March 8th


Solidarity Message14-N, Industrial Area, Gulberg II, Lahore, Pakistan

March 8th International Women Day

Lets Pledge to Continue Struggle for Parity

Dear sisters and Friends,,

Solidarity greetings from All Pakistan Trade Union Federation!
For All Pakistan Trade Union Federation March 8th is an important day to forge stronger links and unity between all those struggling for the liberation of women and resisting against gender inequality around the world. It is a day with a proud history for the women’s movement – a history of internationalism, unity, solidarity and struggle.

March 8th remember us the struggle of women workers starts on 1857 for the betterment of working condition. At that time police brutally baton women workers to stop their voice, due to this brutally attacked by police several women workers sacrifice their life.

It was at the 1910 on the event of International Conference in Copenhagen that German Socialist leader Clara Zetkin first raised the idea of organizing an International Working Women’s Day to mark the important victories of women workers in the United States and to provide a focus for women around the world to organize public actions to win the right to vote.

Friends, Pakistani women are also victims of violence, terrorism, gender discrimination, inequality, elimination of basic human rights. Despite the constant oppression against women, we all women’s are fighting back.


Call for donations

Sarita Maharjan, Durga Paudel, Monika Gaertner-Engel and United Women’s Alliance (UWA)

2nd March, 2016

Call for donations 141008 attachment 3 LOGO 2 Nepal conference

Namaste! Dear World women!

The United Women’s Alliance (UWA) and those coordinators who are already in Kathmandu – Sarita Maharjan, Durga Paudel and Monika Gaertner-Engel, are sending you many affectionate greetings from Kathmandu.

We want to thank you very much for the manifold donations which you have already collected for the success of the 2nd World Women’s Conference. This is the way we are putting our principle of financial independence into practice, which is making us politically independent.

Important cost we have already covered, but today we address you once more with a call for donations:

Important basic costs we have already been covered, but today we again turn to you with a call for donations.

  1. So many women want to come to the opening ceremony, that the venue Academy Hall will not have enough room for all of them. We would like to use an open air area and would need to rent a stage and loudspeakers for this as an extra. This is something we had not budgeted before.
  2. The pamphlets and posters are being spread very quickly in the mass mobilization activities on the streets. So we want to have a lot more printed in order to be able to inform every woman in Kathmandu and around.
  3. For the women in the rural areas it is very difficult and almost unaffordable to come to Kathmandu. They need money not only for transport but need to pay for accommodation, too. This is something as well, we want to support to a certain extent.

Those are three out of many points where the great interest for our World Women’s Conference gives us new tasks to solve: So, if you have the chance to give donations, do it:

In Europe
IBAN DE68 4246 1435 5608 7184 01; BIC GENODEM1KIH
Volksbank Kirchhellen eG , Stichwort/Key word  /Mot de Clé: Weltfrauenkonferenz

In Nepal:
Nepal Bank Limited,
Sarita Maharjan, Durga Paudel, Amrita Thapa,
A/c No: 002010005349000001

And join the publicity activities in the streets of Kathmandu, where we always collect money, too.

Warm greetings from
Sarita Maharjan, Durga Paudel, Monika Gaertner-Engel
and United Women’s Alliance (UWA)

contact to Nepal via

Download Call for Donations
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