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On the abduction, detention, torture and brutal attacks against activist Sharmistha Choudhury and the other leaders of Committee for Protection of Land, Livelihood, Biodiversity and Environment.

We, members of Netherlands-based group Women for Women and Children, condemn in the strongest possible terms the abduction, detention, sexual violence, torture and brutal attacks against World Women and Bhangar movement activist Sharmistha Choudhury and the other leaders of Committee for Protection of Land, Livelihood, Biodiversity and Environment last 23 April 2018 in Alipore, Kolkata, West Bengal, India.

While waiting for the District Magistrate in Alipore to file their nominations for the upcoming panchayat elections in West Bengal, activist Sharmistha Choudhury and other candidates of Committee for Protection of Land, Livelihood, Biodiversity and Environment were brutally attacked and severely injured by the ruling party’s goons. To prevent them from physical filing their candidacy, the Trinamool Congress (TMC) goons did not only snatch and tear their documents, but they also abducted and detained them for hours. While in detention, Sharmistha was molested and tortured.

These violent attacks show the ruling party’s disregard for a democratic and honest elections, as well as their desperate moves to eliminate opposing parties such as Sharmistha’s. The Committee for Protection of Land, Livelihood, Biodiversity and Environment has been a staunch opponent of the installation of a gas insulated power Substation in a 13-acre land forcibly seized by TMC local officials in 2013 in Bhangar.

Likewise, these attacks directed at sister Sharmistha and the other candidates are clear violations of their human and constitutional rights.

We, thus, call for justice for sister Sharmistha and for the other leaders of the Committee.

We also call on the government of India to take immediate and necessary actions against the violence and brutality perpetuated by the TMC goons.

At same time, we applaud sister Sharmistha and her fellow leaders for their courage during those violent moments with those fascist TMC goons.

We commend them for their defiance and militancy as they fight their way to represent the people of Bhangar and West Bengal in the panchayat elections and eventually in the state government.

Women for Women and Children (WoW), The Netherlands, 27 April 2018


Dear Suse,

Thanks so much for your up date regarding – Sharmista,  we Ugandan women we need a immediate realize  of  Sharmista  free Sharmista

We shall continue protesting

Concerned ugandan women, 25.04.2018


wereldvrouwenconferentie – nl

Madam, Sir,

With great indignation I received the message that this week Mrs. Sharmistha Choudhury together with other activists of the Banghor Movement was abducted in the State of West Bengal. That’s still more regrettable while Mrs. Choudhury and the other  disappeared people are working for many years for the benefit of the people in their state and land and at least Mrs. Choudhury also at international level in the international movement of rank and file women. Furthermore we are concerned to learn that there are indications that people associated with the government or government party should be involved in the abduction of Mrs. Choudhury and her companions. How could this be possible in what is called the biggest democracy of the world?

That’s why we urge you to do all you can to investigate this cruel and illegal abduction and to bring all this people sane and save home again.


Jan Verheul


The Netherlands




Martina Stalleicken, frauenpolitische Sprecherin der MLPD

Soeben erfahren wir von der feigen und ungeheuerlichen Attacke auf Sharmistha Choudhury. Sie ist Revolutionärin, Aktivistin der kämpferischen Frauen und Umweltbewegung. Als solche kenne ich sie persönlich und ist sie auch in Deutschland und natürlich international einer breiten Öffentlichkeit bekannt. Bereits im Januar 2017 wurde sie als eine der Führerinnen einer Volksbewegung ‘für Land, Lebensgrundlagen, Ökologie und Umweltschutz’ gegen eine von der Regierung forcierte Starkstromtrasse in West-Bengalen verhaftet – eine Bewegung, die Tausende in der Region vereint. Ein wichtiger und mutiger Kampf, für den hier besonders viele Frauen stehen, unter ihnen Sharmistha. Bereits hier hat eine breite internationale Solidaritätsbewegung erfolgreich den Kampf um ihre Freilassung unterstützt. Wir haben Erfahrung und werden nicht zögern, die Attacke auf Sharmistha breit öffentlich bekannt zu machen und genau verfolgen, wie sie aufgeklärt und Sharmistha wohlbehalten wieder zurückkehren wird und die Verantwortlichen zur Rechenschaft gezogen werden.

Sharmistha Choudhury: Other voices of protest