News from India – the countdown is running – greetings from the organizers from India:

Dear friends,

we are looking forward to this international gathering of women in India! It is a historic meeting – women of the world discuss together the theory of the liberation of women!
Meanwhile we have received calls from all over India from women who want to participate in the seminar. That is very exciting! We also receive registrations from other continents! Welcome to Bangalore!

Staying overnight in a mass accommodation:
The rented meeting room offers common sleeping facilities for about 200-250 women, including 4 rooms, 2 dormitories and halls in which they provide mattresses for sleeping.
Staying overnight in a hotel – you have to rent them yourself.
Those who stay overnight in the Massenquartier will get a breakfast there. If you stay overnight in a hotel, you will have breakfast there. There is tea and snacks as well as lunch for all. Dinner can be served to everyone in the meeting room if needed, but we thought people would prefer to eat outdoors at a time of their choosing.
Advertising. We print 10,000:
We are printing 10,000 posters to be hung all over India.
We are currently calculating the cost of participation and sending it to the homepage!

News from the International Theoretical Seminar from 2.12. – 4.12.18 in India/ Accommodation

We received the following details from the women of the Indian organizer teams regarding hotel accommodation:

dear women – Here are two very good and affordable hotels where delegates can book rooms:

  1. a) Metro le Royale

Phone number: 9739400123, 9739500123, 9739600123




  1. b) Sri Nandi Comforts

Phone number: 9880182823, 9886182823, 080-23210509

The country code for India is +91.

We are happy to welcome you in India!

Organizational Team

on behalf Deepa, Pramila, Shukla and Sharmista

News on the theory seminar in India from 2.12. – 4.12. and subsequent visits to women’s organisations

The organizers are writing from India:
“The seminar hall has been booked. Here are the details.  It is called Spoorthidhama and the address is:
Spoorthidama Campus, Anjananagar, Off Magadi Main Road, Bengalore – 560091.
E-mail :
The website is unfortunately not so meaningful, via google you could see photos and a map of the city:

can be done via the address of the European Coordinator:
You will then be redirected to India

Accommodations have to be found and booked by the travel teams or the women themselves. As soon as we have a list of hotels from India, we put them on the homepage.
The accommodation places in Spoorthidhama are very simple, mattress camps and dormitories for up to 20 women. We have no knowledge about the sanitary facilities.

Call for the International Seminar 2018

European Coordinators of the World Women’s Conference


Halinka Augustin / Netherlands

Susanne Bader / Germany

World women focus their strategic view!
They call for participation in  
the International Seminar on the Theory of the Liberation of Women!

In accordance with the resolutions of the 2nd World  Women‘s Conference of grassroots women in 2016, the World Coordinators are preparing an International Seminar on the Theory of the Liberation of Women.
It will take place from 2nd to 4th December in India, Bangalore.

We are delighted with the invitation from representatives of the Indian women’s movement. They will welcome us in Bangalore, the capital of the Indian state of Karnataka in the southwest of the country.

For three days, the seminar will offer all interested women the opportunity to discuss theories of women’s liberation in a spirit of solidarity and militancy.
The seminar is based on the realization from the Second World Women‘s Conference that

“The increasing crises of imperialism … challenge the masses, especially the women of the world, to take up the struggle for their future. Increasingly, we need to discuss and search for alternatives. We need to look for answers.“

(Kathmandu resolution 2016)

After these three days we will have the opportunity to visit Indian women’s organisations.

To prepare for this trip, study meetings are currently taking place in several cities in Germany and the Netherlands. Interested women are welcome to join in.

Every woman who is interested can participate in the international seminar in India. We will circulate all known contact addresses via the homepage of the World Women‘s Conference. In this way, interested women can get together to prepare and organise the trip together. In Germany, information can also be obtained from the women’s association Courage.

Flights must be booked to Kempegowda International Airport Bengaluru. We will continuously inform you about further facts such as accommodation, conference site etc. on the homepage.

For now the following is important:
You will need a tourist visa which you should apply for as soon as possible. Your passport must remain valid for at least 6 months after your return.

We hope to hear from you and we look forward to seeing you in India!

With many greetings of solidarity,

Suse and Halinka

Download call:
180626 Call for theoretical Seminar us



Sharmista Choudhury is free! International solidarity and mass protests in the country are successful!


Our world woman Sharmistha and her fellow campaigners are free again!

We have just received this wonderful news from India:

“We thank you for the message of solidarity with Sharmistha. We are pleased to inform you that Sharmistha and the others who were abducted with her were released the same evening after a massive protest by the people.”

And further they write that the situation is very tense but Sharmistha and other activists are in a safe place.

“(…) We thank you again for your support and promise you that the fight will continue.”

Protestation of the World March of Women Kenya for the release of Sharmista Choudhury

World March of Women Kenya would like to strongly condemn the continued harrasment of Women Rights defenders in India. As we feel this pain with sisters around the world, we would also like to condemn the new forms of violence against women and social activistst. We are living in a critical context right now…and militarism which continually makes the civic space limited and limited….making the civil society voices lower and lower because the political space of civil society  is shrinking on a daily basis. 

it is sad…and we condemn the harrasment as we also wish our dear sister Sharmista well. 

A united women force around the world will shield and help address issues of women indepth. 


Sophie from World march of women – Kenya