Suse and Halinka – European coordinators

300 women from 19 countries discussed ways and goals of the liberation of women!
“For our women’s organisation it is a great honour to organize this theoretical seminar with so many participants from all over the world!” Said one of the organisers of AIRWO (All Indian Revolutionary Women’s Organisation).
From December 2-4, 18, in Bengaluru – India – in the state of Karnataka, women from 11 states of India, from Nepal, Bangladesh, Togo, Uganda, South Africa, DR Congo, Netherlands, France, England, Germany, Southern Kurdistan, Turkey, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Iran and other countries came together to discuss and exchanges views on theories of the liberation of the woman. Representatives of various women’s organisations and individual women had spared neither long distances, high costs nor strenuous journeys to attend this seminar. The seminar was based on a decision of the 2nd World Women’s Conference of grassroots women that took place in 2016 in Kathmandu in Nepal. The seminar was organised by AIRWO (All Indian Revolutionary Women’s Organisation) and coordinators and world women of other continents.
“I want to share with you my dream of the liberation of women in a free society!” said a participant from India. In the three days a mass discussion arose among the grassroots women. A common theme was the special oppression of women, their social inequality towards men and their lower pay. This theme was to be heard in contributions from all countries. The reports impressively showed how women’s consciousness of the various forms of special oppression has grown. “I got a real sense of freedom when I got involved in the fight, that’s why I organised myself!”
The seminar was a great start and an expression that the process of theoretical processing of practical experience has already started. There was unity among the participants that this process must be continued systematically in the countries and movements.
The next highlight of the ideological debate will be the third World Women’s Conference of grassroots women. For this to become reality, the militant world women’s movement needs a good functioning coordination on all continents.