Theses of the impulse paper by Monika Gaertner-Engel for the theoretical seminar on the theory of women’s liberation, India, December 2018

  1. The international militant women’s movement has a great wealth of experience and achievements in fighting for the liberation of women. However, the fundamental side of what is necessary to create the basis for this liberation is severely underestimated.
  2. Only a revolutionary solution lays the foundation for the social liberation of women! An analysis of the major successes of the women’s movement and their actual limitations within capitalism.
  3. Lessons from history until today – revolutions were locomotives for the most far-reaching women’s rights so far.
  4. All of the many struggles taking place today are important on the way to the liberation of women, but they have to be led as training ground of the fight for the liberation of women.
  5. The goal of liberating women can only be achieved jointly, across ideological and party-political lines and based on principles. For this the militant women’s movement has to be non-party affiliated. This results from the common aim of the complete emancipation of women, the liberation of women in liberated societies.
Theses of the impulse paper by Monika Gaertner-Engel for the theoretical seminar on the theory of women’s liberation,